CPHC Weekly News

Hello Parrot Heads! Sorry for the late newsletter. I’m a little slow since returning from Key West and MOTM earlier this week. I returned with a nasty cold and to a desk full of work waiting for me. Is it too late to turn back? I’d much rather be enjoying some drinks on the Casa Marina beach…

Join us tomorrow for our CPHC Peanut Butter & Canned Food Drop Off!

Tomorrow, Saturday November 12, we will be dropping off the peanut butter and canned food we’ve been collecting this year for the 9 Cares Colorado Shares food drive. The phlock will be meeting at the north/west side of Cherry Creek Mall (by Room and Board) at 7:00 AM tomorrow. There we can decorate our cars and put on our Parrot Head attire. We’ll divide the food donations up to all those who want to participate (there is plenty!) The convoy will then head over to 9News around 8:00 AM. The goal is to stick together till we get to 9News at Speer and Logan, then regroup so we all enter together to drop off our donations. Who knows, maybe you’ll we’ll end up on TV. Regardless, we’ll be giving to a worthwhile cause! After the dropoff we can celebrate with breakfast. I hope to see you there!

Meeting of the Minds

The Colorado Parrot Heads had a great time at Meeting of the Minds last weekend! Because we had such a big phlock attend, we encouraged everyone to take lots of “group photos” to make sure we got as many people as we could included in our MOTM photo album. If you attended, don’t forget that today is the deadline to submit any photos to me that you haven’t already shared on our MOTM Facebook group. I’ll get them all together & create an album in our CPHC Facebook Page, so that everyone can see them! Be sure you get out there and “like” the photos you like best, since we’re going to be picking the Top 3 and awarding them some fun prizes. So watch for the photos coming to your Facebook this weekend and get to liking them. Winners will be picked and announced at next week’s club meeting.

Finally, to all our veterans, thank you.

One day is not enough to thank all of you who have served. Your service is appreciated each and every day. Thank you!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Fins up!

Jeff Estes
President, Colorado Parrot Head Club