It’s the weekend! So sorry that this newsletter is so late. I blame my job. Trust me, being the President of the Parrot Head Club doesn’t pull a lot of weight around the office, unfortunately. They still actually make me work!

In any case, here’s what we have going on this week:

Jimmy Buffett Concerts

This week we’ve sent you a few alerts about Jimmy Buffett concerts. This week we sent ticket alerts for the April 1st Las Vegas show at MGM, and the July 15 Chicago show at Wrigley Field. We can accept ticket requests for both shows through Tuesday, February 7… so if you want to buy club tickets for either of these shows, please let me know ASAP.

As a reminder, your membership must be active to purchase club tickets. Also, once we send in your request those tickets belong to you, no backing out. PHiP tickets can only be sold to other Parrot Head Club members, so no selling them on the secondary market. Not that you would… just sayin’…

ALSO, I wanted to make sure that you all (especially newer members) know that we don’t send alerts like this out for every JB show. We typically only get alerts for shows in the Western Region, and some unique shows (like the one at Wrigley.) The point being, if you’re hoping to get tickets for a particular show, don’t wait to hear about it from us. Let us know, and we’ll keep our eyes and ears open for you to see if we can get you club tickets. It’s not always a sure thing, but we’ll do what we can. At the very least we can get you hooked up with the local Parrot Head club if you want to join them for some pre-show festivities!

PHiP Scholarship Contest

It’s that time of year again! The PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2017 is now open! The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Chartered Chapter or their children or wards of Parrot Head Club Members, for post-secondary education. PHiP awards 3 scholarships. First place receives $5000; second place receives $3000 and third place receives $2000.

Full details about this scholarships and instructions to apply can be found on the PHiP website at:

Membership Renewals

If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2017 yet – you’re officially late! We’ll honor the renewal rate for the next week, so get your renewal paid ASAP. Renewal rates are $30 for individuals and $40 for families. After next week, the rate for anyone will go up to the new member rate ($5 more). Don’t say we haven’t warned you!

If you aren’t sure if you’re paid, let me know and I’ll check. We’ll also send a reminder out early next week to anyone who was paid last year, but still pending renewal.

To renew, send a check made out to CPHC to the address below. Or, you can pay online at

CPHC c/o Jeff Estes
5984 Raleigh Cir
Castle Rock CO 80104

You can also pay online at

That’s all for today folks. Have a great weekend!! 

Fins up

Jeff Estes
President, CPHC