It’s Meeting Week!

Meeting week! Saturday, November 18! (the 3rd Saturday of the month) 5pm – 7pm at Hopper’s Sports Bar, in Wheat Ridge.

This month is our fundraiser for the Tennyson Center for Children’s Christmas party!  

We will go back to the regular raffle, so please bring a raffle item or 2 to help us out!  All money collected in the raffle will go to the Tennyson Center for Children.

We will also be collecting items for the kids, like socks, hats and gloves, for both kids and teens, as well as small toys for children (i.e., Barbies, Hot Wheels cars) or small gift items for teens (i.e., ear buds, body spray).

We will also collect things for their Santa Shop, which is where the kids can buy small items for their loved ones.  

In addition to these items, the Center has asked for gift items for the kids that can be ordered off of Amazon and sent directly to the Center.  See the link below, then follow the other links inside,  to get the lists/items that can be purchased directly on Amazon, and shipped to the Tennyson Center.

We will also have Kyle from the “Groove Time Sitters” playing for us again! 

Beach Night with the Colorado Mammoth Lacrosse!
 December 30!! 

I will have ticket information and all the details soon!  There will be a band playing Buffett music and beach tunes, set up behind one of the goals, in the “Party Area”at Ball Arena.  Our very own band, the “Groove Time Sitters,”  will be the band playing that night! They will play during the game at time outs and other breaks in the action, at halftime, and for an hour after the game.  It should be a very fun night!  

The special Beach Party Package will include entrance into the game,  a beach themed/Mammoth shirt, and 1 free beer.  I’ll send out the ticket link and the rest of the details soon. 

We are also working on a Colorado Parrothead Club License Plate!  Robin is working with the DMV on the process. What a long process this is!!  

We will need 3000 signatures to get this done.  We’ll be hitting all of you up for your signatures for the petition as soon as the paperwork has been submitted.

Meeting Schedule:

November meeting. (November 18) This will be our big charity drive for the Tennyson Center for Children’s Christmas Event. 

Tentative December meeting. (December 16) If we have enough interest, we will have our annual Christmas Party. Stay tuned for details!  

We are signed up to place wreaths on the graves at Fort Logan National Cemetery on Saturday, December 16, 11:00am.  Please let Robin or Pete know if you would like to join us.

Annual Registration!!!  

Please renew your membership so you can join us for all the fun events this year!

Fins up!  
Parrot Head President,  Pete!