Who is going to Pardi-Gras?

The 22nd Annual Pardi-Gras is just around the corner, in New Orleans! This year’s theme is “The House of the Rising Sun.” Registration is closed, but we have several members attending, so that is the purpose of this email.

List of Attendees that I know of:
Mo B.
Barb & Larry R.
Todd & Maureen R.
Ed & Gloria B.

Please get in touch with one another so you can all march in the parade together as a phlock, and represent our awesome club! If there is anyone else going, please get in touch with someone on the above list to to find out where the group is meeting for the parade and any other events. Ed will be picking up the banner for the Colorado Parrot Head Club, to carry in the parade. Have a wonderful time in NOLA.. and I expect group photos of all of you in the parade with our banner!

Ed will be picking up the banner for the Colorado Parrot Head Club, to carry in the parade. Have a wonderful time in NOLA.. and I expect group photos of all of you in the parade with our banner!

Oh.. and a little bird told me.. well.. a Facebook posting told me.. that Mr. Buffett is heading to New Orleans as well. Hopefully he will show up for the event and you all will get to see him! Have PHUN!!!

Fins Up and Enjoy!

Parrot Head President, Pete